REST API - executeRegisteredGenericQuery

The table summarizes the REST API - executeRegisteredGenericQuery.


POST <baseurl>/audit/query/execute/registered/<identifiertype>/<queryid>
Path parameters
  • identifiertype: One of guid or tag: specifies whether the GUID or the tag is used to identify the query, which was previously registered with the registerQuery operation—both are returned by registerQuery . Note, however, passing the GUID makes a more efficient query. You can also determine the GUID using the lookupQueryByTag operation.
  • queryid: The ID of the registered query, of whichever type is required by the previous parameter.
Body queryOptions element (optional): Options for the query


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of a GenericResult element.
XML Returns the content of a GenericResult element (from the EventCollectorQueryService schema).


POST <baseurl>/audit/query/execute/registered/tag/EventTag123
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <attribute xsi:type="base:DateEntryAttribute" xmlns:base="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <attribute xsi:type="base:StringEntryAttribute" xmlns:base="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <attribute xsi:type="base:DateEntryAttribute" xmlns:base="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <attribute xsi:type="base:StringEntryAttribute" xmlns:base="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <attribute xsi:type="base:DateEntryAttribute" xmlns:base="" xmlns:xsi="">