
CommentModel is the object model used by BPMCommentService operations to pass data in their request and response when adding or retrieving comments.


Name Type Description
data data object

The data object is used by BPMCommentService operations to store the result from 'get' and 'add' comment operations.

For 'get' operations, the data is of type CommentAudit.

For 'add' operations, the data is of type DoubleResponse.

comment comment object

The comment object contains the comment being added to the work item, process instance, or case using the 'add' comment operations.

The data in the comment object is of type baseComment.

parentId String Identifies a parent comment. This can be used by the 'add' comment operations to "reply" to a previous comment. This allows for a hierarchical structure of comments.
For work item comments:
workItemId String Identifies a work item for which comments are being added or retrieved.
procId String

A process instance ID, which can be used in conjunction with a workItemId and appActId to add a comment to a work item using BPMCommentService.addWorkItemComment.

appActId String

An application activity ID, which can be used in conjunction with a workItemId and procId to add a comment to a work item using BPMCommentService.addWorkItemComment.

For process instance comments:
procId String A process instance ID, which identifies the process instance for which a comment is being added using BPMCommentService.addProcessInstanceComment.
reference String A process instance ID, which identifies the process instance for which comments being retrieved using BPMCommentService.getProcInstComments.
For case comments:
caseReference String Identifies a case for which comments are being added or retrieved.
className String The name of the case class for which comments are being added or retrieved.
majorVersion String Version number of the case class.
managedObjectId String The managed object ID for the case.