API Error Messages

This topic describes the error messages that can be returned by BPM API services.

Note: When using the REST API, error codes are returned in the response body when a ’500 Internal Server Error’ HTTP status code is returned.
Error Message (returning services) Description
businessServiceRequestFault (WorkPresentationService) A fault occurred on the specified request.
CalendarFault (BusinessDeadlineService, WorkCalService) A fault occurred whilst processing the service request. The error code, message and parameters provide specific detail about the cause of the fault.
chainedTimeoutFault (WorkPresentationService) The timeout value for a chained work item has expired.
dataOutOfSyncFault (WorkPresentationService) The work item has been rescheduled while this item was open.
DeadlineFault (BusinessDeadlineService) The request could not be processed either due to a badly formed request or invalid working time information.
DirectoryEngineFault (OrgResourceService, OrgModelService) A fault occurred whilst processing the service request. The error code, message and parameters provide specific detail about the cause of the fault.
DuplicateRegistrationFault (EventCollectorQueryService, EventCollectorUpdateService) The tag specified for the query is already used by another registered query.
illegalArgumentFault (processManagement) The request failed because a required parameter in the request message is either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
illegalStateFault (processManagement) The requested operation could not be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
InternalServiceFault (all services) An internal service fault has occurred. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
InvalidArgumentFault (BusinessService, PageflowService) An invalid or missing argument has been supplied in the request.
InvalidEntityFault (WorkItemManagementService, WorkListService, OrganisationalEntityConfigService) The specified resource name either does not exist, is not of type resource or is not allowed to allocate this work item to themselves.
InvalidEntityReferenceFault (EntityResolverService, SecurityService, ExporterService) The specified resource does not exist.
InvalidLDAPContainerFault (ExporterService) One or more of the specified LDAP containers does not exist on the target system.
InvalidModelImportFault (ExporterService) The import operation failed because of errors in the import data (for example, due to missing LDAP or organization model references on the target system).
InvalidOrgModelVersionFault (EntityResolverService, ExporterService, ResourceQueryService) The specified organization model version does not exist.
InvalidQueryFault (EventCollectorQueryService) The specified query is invalid.
InvalidQueryFault (ResourceQueryService) The specified resource query is invalid. (It does not conform to the RQL syntax conventions.)
InvalidQueryIdentifierFault (EventCollectorQueryService) The query identifier used (guid or tag) is invalid.
InvalidRequestFault (EventCollectorQueryService, EventCollectorUpdateService, EventCollectorMeasuresService, EventCollectorManagementService) The request is invalid and so could not be executed.
InvalidServiceRequestFault (EntityResolverService, SecurityService, ResourceQueryService) The request message has been incorrectly specified and is invalid.
InvalidVersionFault (WorkItemManagementService) The specified work item version is incorrect.
InvalidWorkItemFault (WorkItemManagementService, WorkItemSchedulerService, WorkListService) The specified work item does not exist.
invalidWorkRequestFault (WorkPresentationService) The specified work request is incorrect.
InvalidWorkViewFault (WorkItemManagementService, WorkListService) The optional Work View ID is invalid.
NoMoreWorkItemsFault (WorkItemManagementService) There are no more work items to open in the work list.
NoSuchComponentFault (EventCollectorQueryService, EventCollectorUpdateService) The identifier used to specify the component is invalid.
NoSuchNamedEntityFault (ResourceQueryService) An organization model entity specified in the resource query does not exist.
OpenWorkItemLimitFault (WorkItemManagementService) The limit on the number of open work items has been reached.
operationFailedFault (processManagement) The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
PageFlowExecutionFault (BusinessService, PageflowService) An error occurred when Process Manager executed the request.
QueryExecutionFault (EventCollectorQueryService) The specified query could not be executed.
QueryNotFoundFault (EventCollectorQueryService) No registered query was found matching the specified tag or guid.
ReadOnlyAttributeFault (OrganisationalEntityConfigService) The request failed because it tried to set a read-only configuration attribute.
SecurityFault (
  • Business Resource Management services: OrganisationalEntityConfigService, WorkItemManagementService, WorkItemSchedulerService, WorkListService)
  • Calendar services: BusinessDeadlineService, WorkCalService,
  • Directory services: DirectoryService, EntityResolverService, ExporterService, OrgModelService, OrgResourceService, ResourceQueryService, SecurityService, UserSettingsService)
The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.
WorkItemAPIScriptCancelFault (WorkItemManagementService) A problem occurred in the execution of the script associated with the work item.
WorkItemFault (WorkItemManagementService) Work Manager (BRM) could not find or load the work model associated with the work item.
WorkItemFilterFault (WorkListService) Failed to parse the specified work item list filter criteria.
WorkItemOrderFault (WorkListService) Failed to parse the specified work item list sort criteria.
WorkItemRescheduledFault (WorkItemManagementService) The request failed due to the work item data changing on a reschedule.
workItemUnavailable (WorkPresentationService) The specified work item is not available.
workProcessingFault (WorkPresentationService) An error has occurred during processing of the specified work request.

Example Error Message

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
         <faultstring>Internal Error</faultstring>
            <proc:illegalStateFault xmlns:proc="http://www.tibco.com/bx/2009/management/processManagerType">
               <proc:reason>BX-701018: Process [pvm:0a12d] is not in the valid state.</proc:reason>