SOAP API - updatePageFlow

The table summarizes the SOAP API - updatePageFlow.

Request Uses the updatePageFlow element (from the PageFlowService schema).
Parameter notes
  • and context.activityReference.activityId can be obtained from the previous startPageFlow or updatePageFlow response.
  • pageFields should contain the data to be updated, as returned by the form.

See Displaying a Form in a Pageflow for more information.

Response Returns an updatePageFlowResponse element (from the PageFlowService schema).
Example Request:
            <activityReference activityId="pvm:001gq.5"/>
         <pageFields feedFormat="NO_FORMAT" feedMode="XML">
               <inputs array="false" name="Names" optional="true" type="Complex">
            <feedTypes feedFormat="NO_FORMAT" feedMode="XML"/>
      <updatePageFlowResponse xmlns="">
         <pageResponse executionState="COMPLETED" xmlns="">
               <pageFlowTemplate hasFormalParameters="false" moduleName="/Inject/Process Packages_Inject/ProcessPackage.xpdl" processName="ProcessPackageProcess" version=""/>
                  <XMLObjectModel xmlns:pag="" xmlns:soapenv="">
                     <inputs array="false" name="Names" optional="true" type="Complex">