SOAP API - listPageFlows

The table summarizes the SOAP API - listPageFlows.

Request Uses the listPageFlows element (from the PageFlowService schema).
Parameter Notes
  • start=long (optional, default = 0): Position in the list from which to start this page.
  • total=long (optional, default = 0): Number of items (in the list) to include in this page.
  • gettotal=boolean (optional, default = true): Whether to build a count of the total number of items in the list.
  • includeparam=boolean (optional, default = true): Whether the response should include pageflows that have formal parameters.
Response Returns a listPageFlowsResponse element (from the PageFlowService schema).
Example Request:
      <pag:listPageFlows startPosition="0" numberOfItems="10" getTotalCount="true">
      <listPageFlowsResponse xmlns="">
         <startPosition xmlns="">0</startPosition>
         <totalItems xmlns="">3</totalItems>
         <pageFlowTemplate hasFormalParameters="true" moduleName="/PageflowSolution/Process Packages/ProcessPackage.xpdl" processName="RequestAdditionalDataPageflow" version="" xmlns=""/>
         <pageFlowTemplate hasFormalParameters="false" moduleName="/APH_WelcomeUsersImplementSolution/Process Packages/aph_test.xpdl" processName="GetName" version="" xmlns=""/>
         <pageFlowTemplate hasFormalParameters="true" moduleName="/Inject/Process Packages_Inject/ProcessPackage.xpdl" processName="ProcessPackageProcess" version="" xmlns=""/>