
The OrgModelService contains functions to get information about organization models, as well as get or set information for calendars, push destinations, extension points, and candidate queries that are tied to a particular organization model.

The table below lists the functions available from the OrgModelService.

Function Description Returns
deleteCalendarReference Deletes any calendar reference from the identified organization model entity.

Also see: deleteCalendarReferences in WorkCalService

System action required: browseModel

Empty response (no JSON payload)
deleteGroupCandidateQuery Deletes any candidate query assignment from the identified group.

System action required: resourceAdmin or LDAPAdmin*

Empty response (no JSON payload)
deletePositionCandidateQuery Deletes any candidate query assignment from the identified position.

System action required: resourceAdmin or LDAPAdmin*

Empty response (no JSON payload)
deletePushDestination Deletes the identified push destination assignment from the identified organization model entity.

See also: updatePushDestinations (see below)

System action required: writePushDestinations

Empty response (no JSON payload)
getCalendarReferences Gets the calendar references for the identified organization model entity.

The response is an ordered collection of calendar references obtained by navigating the organization model hierarchy to which the identified model entity belongs. Each entry identifies the organization model entity that holds the calendar reference.

System action required: browseModel or readCalendars

getOrgModel Requests the details of the entities that form the organization model identified by the given major version.

System action required: browseModel

getOrgModelEntity Requests the details of the specified organization model entity.

This operation can be used in conjunction with the getOrgModelRoots function (see below) to "drill down" into an organization model structure to obtain details about one or more organizational entities.

System action required: browseModel

getOrgModelRoots Requests the details of the entities that form the root elements of the organization model identified by the given major version. These include organizations, groups, locations, capabilities, privileges, resource attributes, and model templates.

If the organization model is very large, you can use this function instead of getOrgModel (see above) to improve performance. This allows you to "drill down" into the organization model structure to retrieve specific fragments of the model. You can then use getOrgModelEntity (see above) to retrieve details about specific organizational entities.

System action required: browseModel

listOrgModelVersions Lists all major versions of an organization model. For each major version, the organization model deployments that make up that version are detailed, giving their full version number, name and date deployed.

System action required: browseModel

setCalendarReference Assigns a calendar reference to the identified organization model entity. The assignments overwrite any existing assignments to the same organization model entities.

System action required: writeCalendars

Empty response (no JSON payload)
setCalendarReferences Assigns calendar references to the identified organization model entities.

The assignments overwrite any existing assignments to the same organization model entities.

System action required: writeCalendars

Empty response (no JSON payload)



There are two signatures for this function: In one sets or updates the extension point configuration for the identified organization model version, and the other removes the extension points for the identified organization model version.

When setting or updating extension points:

  • The request must specify a reference to an organization model template that will be used to dynamically generate new organizational fragments directly below it.
  • Any existing configuration for the identified entities are overwritten. Attempting to overwrite an existing configuration for which model template instances have been generated causes a DirectoryEngineFault. Attempting to set the configuration for an organization model entity to which the caller does not have access causes a SecurityFault.
  • The new organizational fragments are generated at the date/time specified in the ExtensionPointProcessStart property in DE.Properties. For information about all extension point-related properties, see the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Administration guide.

System action required: LDAPAdmin or organizationAdmin (both system actions allow equal access)

Empty response (no JSON payload)
setGroupCandidateQuery Sets or updates the candidate query assignments to the identified group.

Each group may only hold one candidate query. Any existing assignment is overwritten by a new assignment. Candidate queries span all organization model versions in which the identified organization model exists. Therefore, the request does not include a model version.

System action required: resourceAdmin or LDAPAdmin*

Empty response (no JSON payload)
setPositionCandidateQuery Sets or updates the candidate query assignments to the identified position.

Each position may only hold one candidate query. Any existing assignment is overwritten by a new assignment. Candidate queries span all organization model versions in which the identified organization model exists. Therefore, the request does not include a model version.

System action required: resourceAdmin or LDAPAdmin*

Empty response (no JSON payload)
setPushDestination Modifies the push destination for a specified organization model entity.

The value(s) of the push destination may be specified as 'hard-coded' collection of values (such as email addresses), or they may be derived from the Resource Attribute identified in the request.

Existing push destination values are overwritten.

To get existing push destinations, use the getResource function, for resources, or the getOrgModel function (see above), for organization model entities other than resources.

System action required: writePushDestinations

Empty response (no JSON payload)
updatePushDestinations Updates the push destinations for the identified organization model entity.

The update can include the deletion of existing push destinations. Each push destination is identified by its name, channel-type and channel-id.

System action required: writePushDestinations

Empty response (no JSON payload)

* LDAPAdmin allows access to all positions and LDAP containers, in the case where restrictions have been placed on access to organizations and LDAP containers. For more information, see Organization Relationships.