Creating and Managing Supervised Work List Views - Example 2

You may want to provide views based on different filters of the data.

For example, to allow a supervisor to select a particular process instance and see a particular user’s outstanding, allocated work for that process instance:


  1. Get the process instance ID. You can get this information from any of the listProcessInstances, queryProcessInstances, and queryProcessInstancesAlt operations.
  2. Use listActionAuthorisedEntities and getOrgModelEntity in the same way described in Creating and Managing Supervised Work List Views - Example 1.
  3. Call getAllocatedWorkListItems, specifying the organizational entity whose list you want to view, and with a filter set for the appropriate process instance.
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">
          <api:getAllocatedWorkListItems numberOfItems="10" startPosition="0">
             <entityID entity-type="ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT" guid="_i640QDMeFvFvgjfN_w"/>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
          <getWorkListItemsResponse xmlns="">
             <startPosition xmlns="">0</startPosition>
             <endPosition xmlns="">0</endPosition>
             <totalItems xmlns="">1</totalItems>
             <workItems xmlns="">
                <id id="11" version="2"/>
                <header distributionStrategy="OFFER" priority="50">
                <attributes attribute1="789" attribute2="major" attribute3="123.45" attribute4="GroupB"/>