Viewing Triggered Events using the PageBus Event Monitor Component

The PageBus Event Monitor component is available as a troubleshooting tool. It allows you to view information about events as they are triggered, giving you a visual confirmation that events are occurring as you test your application.

To use the PageBus Event Monitor component, follow these steps (note that this procedure assumes you have a custom application using WCC components already created — the steps below use the custom application created with the How to Create a BPM Desktop Using Components Tutorial tutorial on How to Create a BPM Desktop Using Components Tutorial.):


  1. From the Component Libraries palette, select and drag the PageBus Event Monitor component onto a pane in the Component Hierarchy palette.

    For example:

    Note that the PageBus Event Monitor component appears as "wccGeneric" in the Component Hierarchy.

    There is no need to explicitly subscribe to events from the PageBus Event Monitor component — it automatically subscribes to events published by the components that have been added to the application (this can be configured; see Specifying the Events to Which the PageBus Event Monitor Component Subscribes).

  2. Click Commit to save the changes.
  3. Select Save from the File menu.
  4. In Windows Explorer, navigate to your workspace directory and execute the ProjectName.html file, where ProjectName is the name you gave your project in General Interface Builder. (Note that you can also test/run the application from within General Interface Builder, rather than via Windows Explorer.)
  5. Perform some actions in your application, then view the output caused by the PageBus Event Monitor component. An example is shown below:

    The PageBus Event Monitor component output provides information about each event to which you’ve subscribed that is caused by an action in your application. It includes the event topic string, as well as the message sent to the PageBus.

    Note that any JavaScript objects in the message payload are converted to JSON strings before being displayed in the PageBus Event Monitor component. For information about the data included in the payload for each event/schema, see Component PageBus Event Payloads.

    Use the Clear button to clear the current information, but continue displaying the PageBus Event Monitor component output window.

    Note: The PageBus Event Monitor component has a single property — Show Clear Button — that controls the visibility of the Clear button. It also publishes a single event — Generic Clear — that fires when the Clear button is clicked.