Sample CalloutHandler

A sample callout handler (CalloutHandler.js) is provided that illustrates the use of the callout interface methods.

This is the same callout handler you will use to implement custom callouts; part of the configuration process for custom callouts is to copy the sample callout handler to the proper location, then modify it to fit your needs (see Callout Handler Configuration).

An example TIBCO Business Studio project containing an organization model and business process is also provided with the sample callout handler (in the same \Samples\Callouts\ directory). The sample implementations of the callout methods in CalloutHandler.js make use of the specific organizational entities and processes defined in the example TIBCO Business Studio project.

To see the sample implementations in action, you will need to deploy the example project to a running node. Or you can modify the method calls in the sample callout handler to include specifics about your own deployed projects (that is, your own organizational entities and business processes).