Configuration of the Email Presentation Channel

The file contains properties that you can use to configure the default email presentation channel used by an Openspace client application.


See "Using Presentation Channels to display Tasks to Users" in the TIBCO Business Studio BPM Implementation guide for more information about channels.

The default channel identifier for the email presentation channel is specified by the DefaultChannelId property. You should not need to change this from its default value, which is as follows:


The remaining properties show how to configure the Openspace email channel. This is TIBCO Openspace by default. You can also use Workspace, in which case you will need to edit the properties.

You can override the default location of this application using the OverrideBaseOSFormAppUrl property. This defaults to false. If you set it to true, the application used is the one located where specified by the BaseOSFormAppUrl property. This defaults to Openspace forms:


This means that the application used is TIBCO Openspace running on localhost. You can change this value if, for example, you want to use Workspace, or a custom client running on a different address.

The OSFormAppStartPage property defines the html file used to launch the Openspace application. You should not normally need to change this property. It defaults to Openspace forms:
