
The <mbpm-case-states> business component displays the available case states and current case state for a specified case.

The <mbpm-case-states> business component calls the CaseManagementService.getCaseStates operation. This operation calls the CaseManagementModel.caseStates object.

To customize the contents of the <mbpm-case-states> business component, see Customizing a Business Component.


   case-ref="string" | case-states-array="array" [current-state="string"]


Name Type Description
case-ref String The <mbpm-case-states> business component displays the available case states and current case state for this case reference.
case-states-array Array

A previously populated CaseManagementModel.caseStates object that contains the available case states and current case state to display.

Note: The use of this attribute does not call the CaseManagementService.getCaseStates operation.
current-state String (Optional) The current state of the case. If the case state changes after case-states-array was populated, this attribute updates the case-states-array attribute. For example, after the execution of a case action.
template-path String (Optional) The relative pathname of a custom template file to use in place of the internal template
Note: Use either case-ref, or case-states-array and current-state. These options are mutually exclusive.


The Mobile Case Manager application uses the <mbpm-case-states> business component as part of the Data window, which also uses the <mbpm-case-actions> and <mbpm-case-data> business components. The Data window opens when the user clicks on an available Case, or clicks the Data button, which is one of the five navigation buttons on the bottom bar.