Installing the BPM Sample CMIS Application

The sample CMIS application is supplied in a .zip file that you can import into TIBCO Business Studio. Once you have installed the sample application, you can then either run the sample in Preview, or use it to connect to a content management system at runtime.


  1. Go to the location where you installed TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM.
    For example, C:\Program Files\tibco\amx-bpm\bpm\n.n\samples\

    where n.n is the version of BPM that you have installed.

  2. Unzip to a temporary folder.
  3. In that temporary folder, locate the file \com.tibco.bpm.samples.cmis\src\
  4. Start TIBCO Business Studio.
  5. Right-click in the Project Explorer and from the popup menu select Import Existing Studio Projects into Workspace.
  6. In the Select Archive File field, browse to the location of the zipped file.
  7. The project CMISSample is listed in the Projects: field. Press Finish.
  8. Ignore any Warning symbols that are displayed.
    See "Importing Existing Studio Projects into Workspace" in the TIBCO Business Studio™ Modeling User’s Guide for more information about importing projects.

What to do next

  • Ensure that the properties file for the sample,, is installed along with the other BPM properties files in the BPM configuration folder. For example, on Windows platforms, C:\ProgramData\amx-bpm\tibco\data\bpm\configuration.
  • Configure the file according to the instructions in The File.
  • Once you have deployed the project to your TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM runtime, you must have a user set up and mapped in the Organization Browser to the role of Document Reviewer before you can run an instance of the process.