Resource Type Properties

Tab Property Description
General Label The displayed name of the Resource Type. You can re-name the Resource Type here by entering a new name.
  Name The internal name. This defaults to the same value as the Label, but with any internal spaces removed.
Attributes Label The name of any attributes that you want to define for this Resource Type. See "Attributes" in the TIBCO Business Studio Concepts Guide for more information about attributes.

This tab lists all attributes that are associated with this Resource Type and also all that are associated with its parent, its parent’s parent, and any other Resource Types in the chain of inheritance.

Click to add an attribute. You can delete an attribute by selecting it and clicking .

  Type One Resource Type in the schema must be defined as the Human Resource Type, for compatibility purposes once the Organization is exported. It cannot be deleted from the Schema.

This text is displayed on the General tab of the Human Resource Type. The Type is therefore still identifiable as the Human Resource Type even if you change its label and name.

Resource Property
Value Displays all the properties of the Resource. You can edit the values from this tab by clicking on the Value field.