
Provides a list of workitems for a specified user.

Action GetToDoList
Parameter Notes
  • startPos: index of the first work item to retrieve. The list is zero-based. Specify 0 to get the first work item in the list.
  • numberOfItems: number of work items to retrieve.
  • order: a string that specifies the order in which the work items should be retrieved. For example, appInstance ASC , appInstanceDescription ASC , id ASC , priority ASC , startDate ASC , endDate ASC , attribute1 ASC , attribute2 ASC , attribute3 ASC , attribute4 ASC.

    See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM - BPM Developer’s Guide for more information about WorkListService operations that can be included in an expression when defining the sort and/or filter criteria to be applied to a work item list.

  • resourceId: the user ID (GUID) of the user retrieving the work item list.
Return GetToDoListResult
private void reofferWorkItem(WorkListItem item)
ManagedId id = toManagedObject(item);
HashSet<ManagedId> ids=new HashSet<ManagedId>();
BPMWebClientService.getInstance().execute(new ReofferWorkItem(ids),
new AsyncCallback<VoidResult>()
public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
Window.alert("Error: " + caught.getMessage());
public void onSuccess(VoidResult result)
Window.alert("Work item re-offered");

Required System Action
