ActiveMatrix BPM Node Type: Host and Node Configuration

Field/Button Description
Node Type Type of the (logical) BPM node to be created. One of:
  • BPM Node Type
  • Server Node Type
  • Client Node Type

Default: BPM Node Type entry: bpm.nodetype.node.type

Node Name Unique name to be used for this BPM node. This name must be unique both in the environment and in the enterprise.

Default: BPMNode entry: bpm.nodetype.node

Node Port Management port number used by this BPM node. This port must not be in use by another node on the same machine.

Default: 6031 entry: bpm.nodetype.node.port

Host Name of an existing host on which this BPM node will run.

Default: BPMHost entry:

HTTP Port HTTP port number used by this BPM node for communication with external clients (Openspace, Workspace and custom client applications).

This port must not be in use by another node on the same machine.

Note: If this BPM system is distributed across different machines (to provide high availability and/or scalability), this port should be configured for load balancing across all required machines - see Load Balancer.

Default: 8080 entry: bpm.nodetype.http.connector.port

Environment Name Name of an existing environment in which this BPM node will run.

Default: BPMEnvironment entry: bpm.nodetype.environment

Application Name Name of the BPM application that identifies this BPM system.

Default: entry:

Override BPM Configuration Folder Whether to override the default location of the BPM configuration folder. Select this option if this BPM system is distributed across different machines (to provide high availability and/or scalability).

If selected, the Configuration Folder field is displayed.

Default: Cleared entry: bpm.nodetype.home.root.override

Configuration Folder Location of the BPM configuration folder.

If this BPM system is distributed across different machines (to provide high availability and/or scalability), this must be a location on the shared file system. For example, SHARED_DIR\bpm_config - see Shared File System.

Default: CONFIG_HOME\bpm entry: bpm.nodetype.home.root