USER_ACTIVITY Option Attributes

A query that uses the USER_ACTIVITY option operates against the ec_user_activity Event Collector database table, which stores information about user activity.

The following table describes the attributes that you can include in a filter expression in a query that uses the USER_ACTIVITY option.
Attribute Description/Notes
actionDuration Total duration (in milliseconds) for this user activity.
actionEnd End date/time for this user activity.
actionStart Start date/time for this user activity.
activityInstanceId Instance identifier of the activity from which the work item was derived. This value is unique, even if the activity is executed multiple times, for example, as part of a loop.
activityName Name of the activity from which the work item was derived.
id Unique identifier for this user activity.
processInstance Identifier of the parent process instance from which this work item was generated.
processTemplate Identifier (name) of the process template from which the parent process instance was generated.
processTemplateId The reference to the process template, module name, and module version referenced in the ec_proc_template table.
ref The work item associated with this user activity.
userAction The user action for this work item.
userGuid GUID of the resource associated with this work item.
userId Resource associated with this work item.
wiStatus Status of the work item.