WSDL Document Requirements

If a process is to be deployed to the BPM runtime, any WSDL document used by that process must adhere to the requirements in the following sections. This applies whether the process is acting as a service consumer or as a service provider, and whether the WSDL is manually created, imported, or generated from a business object model.

See Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) Documents for more information about the content and structure of WSDL documents.

WSDL Version

TIBCO Business Studio and BPM support WSDL Version 1.1.

WSDL Version 2.0 is not supported.

Message Exchange Patterns

TIBCO Business Studio and BPM support the Message Exchange Patterns (MEP) shown in the table below. A web service operation must use one of these Message Exchange Patterns.

Supported WSDL Operation Message Exchange Patterns
MEP Description Required WSDL Operation Message sequence
(In-only) A client (service consumer) sends a message to the web service (service provider) but expects no response. Input
Request-response (In-Out) A client (service consumer) sends a request message to the web service (service provider).

The web service (service provider) returns a response message to the client (service consumer).

The web service may optionally return a fault message in the event of an error.


Message Parameter Mappings

WSDL operation messages can be mapped to the following types of process data parameter:

  • Simple data types
  • Arrays of simple data types
  • Structured data types (including structured data types that contain further structured data types). These can only be used with JavaScript script grammar. The use of XPath script grammar with structured data types is not supported.
  • Arrays of structured data types
Note: An array can be mapped to an array, but an array element cannot be mapped to an array element.

This applies whether the array contains simple data types or structured data types.

Data Transport Mechanism

The only supported data transport mechanisms are:

  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) requests over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - (SOAP/HTTP).
  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) requests over Java Message Service (JMS) - (SOAP/JMS).
  • Virtualized service bindings.

SOAP versions

SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 bindings are supported when calling or exposing a service.

SOAP Binding Style

The only supported SOAP bindings are:

  • Document/literal
  • RPC/literal
Note: Calling an ActiveMatrix BPM invocation fails due to a mismatch of binding and operation style if you use a WSDL from an ActiveMatrix BPM project (instead of one imported from ActiveMatrix Administrator), and then configure it using SOAP/HTTP binding.


  • For SOAP Binding import the correct WSDL from ActiveMatrix Administrator.
  • Check the configuration of the ActiveMatrix service for a mismatch of port types.

WSDL Documents and Schema Files

Schema type definitions can be embedded, included or imported in a WSDL document.