Selecting Sort Attributes

By default, before you specify a sort for the first time, all attributes that are available to sort on are shown in the Available Attributes section on the sort dialog. It lists an attribute for each column in the list.

To specify sort attributes, move the attributes on which you want to sort the list to the Sort Attributes section on the sort dialog. Attributes can be moved back and forth between the Available Attributes and Sort Attributes sections using the following methods.

To select attributes:

  • Individual attributes can be selected by clicking on the desired name.
  • Multiple attributes can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the desired names. A group of attributes can be selected by clicking on one name, then holding down the Shift key and clicking on the last name in the desired group.

To move the attributes to the desired list:

  • Attributes can be moved back and forth between lists by selecting the desired attribute(s), then clicking the “” or “<“ buttons.
  • An individual attribute can be moved from one list to the other by double-clicking on the attribute name.
  • Attributes can also be moved from one list to the other by using a “drag and drop” method — click on the desired attribute name (or group of selected attribute names), and while holding the mouse button, drag them to the desired list and release the mouse button.
  • All attributes in the Sort Attributes section can be moved to the Available Attributes section by clicking on the “<<“ button.