SOAP API - calcBusinessDeadline

The table summarizes the SOAP API - calcBusinessDeadline.

Request Uses the calcBusinessDeadline element (from the BusinessDeadlineService schema)
Parameter notes
  • guid: the GUID of the calendar which supplies the working day information to be used. The only supported value is SYSTEM. See CalendarService - Deprecated Service for more information about setting up and updating working times on the calendar.
  • start-date-time: the date and time when the task begins.
  • duration: the duration of the task, expressed in standard XSD notation.
Response Returns a calcBusinessDeadlineResponse element (from the BusinessDeadlineService schema)
Example Request:
      <dead:calcBusinessDeadline guid="SYSTEM" start-date-time="2011-08-01T09:00:00" duration="P3DT4H"/>
      <calcBusinessDeadlineResponse end-date-time="2011-08-13T12:00:00.000Z" xmlns=""/>