Destinations and Validation

When you specify a destination environment for a Process, you are specifying the intended runtime environment in which the Process will execute. According to the destination environment that you specify, TIBCO Business Studio performs validation on the Process.

Any error messages resulting from this validation will be displayed in the Problems view and indicate which parts of your Process need to be changed..

Note: In previous versions of TIBCO Business Studio, TIBCO recommended disabling in-memory validation by deselecting Project > Build Automatically as a way of achieving performance gains. Because of performance enhancements with TIBCO Business Studio, this is no longer necessary and is not desirable as it causes problems resolving references.

You can create your own destination environments, and the specific "destination components" that make up these destination environments can be customized in the Preferences. To view the current configuration of destination environments, select Window > Preferences, and select Destination Environments. For more information about customizing destination environments, see the destination-specific implementation guide.