Defining Localization Properties Outside the Form

In addition to creating localized versions of the base properties file of a form, TIBCO Forms supports the creation and localization of additional properties files whose scope is not limited to a given form.

These properties files can be referenced by a form and, in fact, shared by any number of different forms within the same or other projects.


  1. Create a new resource file, with the extension .properties, within the folder /<project > /Presentation Resources in the Project Explorer. (This is unlike the base properties file, which is also contained in the Presentation Resources folder, but is within a sub-folder for resources specific to the form, a sub-folder named with the name of the form.)
  2. Edit the properties file by adding key-value pairs in the format <key> = <value>, each on a separate line. For example:
           mykey1 = My Key One
           mykey2 = My Key Two

    The format is that of a standard Java resources file, identical to the generated base properties file found in the form folder.

  3. Copy the new resource file and save it with the same name but with an underscore and the locale code added before the file extension. For instance, if you wish to create a French version of a properties file named, save the first file as
  4. In the key-value pairs of the localized version of the properties file, translate or edit the values as desired, while leaving the keys unchanged.
  5. The localized version is now available, and can be used as shown in the example that follows.