The Claim Breakdown Dashboard

The Claim Breakdown dashboard demonstrates some reports that can be generated from the case data for a case data model in the ActiveMatrix BPM case data store. The reports provide business data from the case data model used by the example Claims application. The dashboard is an HTML/JS application.

The Claim Breakdown dashboard provides a number of controls that you can use to tailor and filter the dashboard data.

Control Description
Details Displays the Claim Hot list for the currently displayed data (in a separate window).
Clear Filter Clear all of your currently selected filters from the Value, Claim by State and Age of Comp & TP Claims reports.
Refresh Click to manually refresh each report on the dashboard.
Use the drop-down menu to select an Auto-Refresh option:
  • Auto-Refresh All - automatically refresh all reports every 15 seconds.
  • Auto-Refresh Exposure - automatically refresh just the Claim Exposure report every 15 seconds.
  • Auto-Refresh None - do not automatically refresh any reports. This is the default option.
Claims Select whether you want to show data for All claims or only for Open claims. The default value is Open.

The following table describes the reports used in the Claim Breakdown dashboard.

Report Description
Claim Exposure Shows the total value of the claims at the indicated timestamp.
Value Shows the number of claims broken down by value band.

If you click a specific value band, the dashboard redraws all the other reports to show the data for the selected value band, and updates the dashboard title accordingly.

Claim By State Shows the number of claims broken down by state.

If you click a specific state, the dashboard redraws all the other reports to show the data for the selected state, and updates the dashboard title accordingly.

Age of Comp & TP Claims Shows the number of claims broken down by age band of the driver.

If you click a specific age band, the dashboard redraws all the other reports to show the data for the selected age band, and updates the dashboard title accordingly.

Monthly Breakdown Shows the number of claims in the current claims selection, broken down by month and by type.
Average Duration to finalise Claims Shows the average number of days taken to close claims in the current claims selection, broken down by claim type.

The following table describes the additional reports provided in the Claim Hot list.

Report Description
Exposure Breakdown Shows the total value of the claims, by claim type.
Top 5 Highest Claims Shows the details of the five highest value claims.

The Openspace gadget version of the dashboard also displays a View Audit column. Click to display the Claim Status for ID:claimID report for the selected claim.

Claim Status for: ID:claimID Shows the current status of the process associated with the claim selected from the Top 5 Highest Claims report.
Note: This report is only available in the Openspace gadget version of the dashboard.

Two versions of the Claim Breakdown dashboard are provided - Openspace gadget and standalone.

Openspace Gadget Version

You can access this dashboard when you are logged in to Openspace, as any user.

The dashboard demonstrates how you can use ActiveMatrix BPM web services to access information about a particular case (in this example, a claim) from the case data store in one report, and then use that information in another report to extract and display statistical data about the case (in this example, about the current process instance and work item) from the BPM database. See Displaying Process Status (Statistical Data) for a Particular Claim (Case Data)for more information.

Standalone version

You can access this dashboard in any web browser, using the URL:



  • host is the DNS name of the server hosting the BPM runtime.
  • port is the port being used by Openspace. The default value is 8080.

If JasperReports Server is hosted remotely and/or is using a different port, you must update these default URLs by adding a path parameter in the following format:



  • host is the hostname of the machine that is hosting JasperReports Server.
  • port is the port number being used by JasperReports Server.