Converting an Existing Case Class Attribute to a Case State


  • The attribute to be converted must be a text enumeration type containing the desired enumeration literals. (You can convert an attribute that does not meet this requirement, but you must then convert it afterwards. If you are converting an attribute in a BOM that has already been deployed, you must ensure that the conversion is a non-destructive change. If you attempt to deploy an updated case data model that contains destructive or unsupported changes as a new minor version, deployment will fail.)
  • The case class must not already contain a case state.


  1. Right-click the attribute that you want to convert, then select Convert to Case State.
    Note: If you want to convert a case state back to an attribute, right-click it, then select Convert to Attribute.
  2. On the General tab of the Properties view, set the attribute's Multiplicity to be either 0..1 (optional) or 1 (required).