Association Class Properties

Tab Property Description
General Name Name of the Association Class. You can re-name the Association Class here by entering a new name.
  Superclass In object oriented terms, the Super Class provides attributes which are inherited by any Derived Classes.

Clicking the picker displays the Select Type dialog from which you can select a Class to form the SuperClass. Click Clear to remove a SuperClass.

Description   Area in which you can enter text to describe the Association Class or any supporting explanations.
Stereotypes Apply/Unapply Stereotypes Lists the stereotypes that have been applied to this Association Class.

Clicking the picker displays the Select Stereotype dialog from which you can add or remove stereotypes.

  Applied Stereotypes The name of the stereotype.
  Profile The name of the profile that contains the stereotype.
  File The path to the file that contains the stereotype.
Appearance Fonts and Colors Enables you to change the font type and size of the text on your business object model. You can also change the weight and color of both the text and the business objects in the business object model.
Resource Stereotypename where Stereotypename is the name of any applied stereotypes. If a stereotype is applied, the name of the stereotype is displayed here. Expand this to edit any properties of the stereotype.
  General The name of the Association Class.
  Superclass In object oriented terms, the Super Class provides attributes which are inherited by any Derived Classes.

Clicking the picker displays the Select Type dialog from which you can select a Class to form the SuperClass. Click Clear to remove a SuperClass.