SOAP API - getAttributes

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getAttributes.

Request Uses the getAttributesRequest element (from the EventCollectorQueryService schema)
Parameter notes
  • componentId: Can be obtained from lookupQueryByTag .
  • getAttributeOptions: (optional) Specifies whether optional data is required. If blank, this defaults to not returning any optional data; this is the same behavior as in earlier versions of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM.
  • requiredExtendedData: (optional) Within getAttributeOptions you can specify one of the following values for RequiredExtendedData:
    • requireAllExtendedData: If true, return all the available extended data for the attributes.
    • requiredExtendedData: returns one or more specific items of extended data. This can take the following values:

      IS_SORTABLE - returns whether each attribute is sortable

      IS_FILTERABLE - returns whether each attribute is filterable

Response Returns a getAttributesResponse element (from the EventCollectorQueryService schema)
Parameter notes The response includes:
  • isPrimarytrue if the attribute is in the primary events table, false if not. For internal use.

    If you request extended data, the response may include the following for events in the primary events table:

  • isSortabletrue if the attribute is sortable, false if not.
  • isFilterabletrue if the attribute is filterable, false if not
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="" xmlns:base="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <getAttributesResponse xmlns="">
         <AttributeDefinition xmlns="">
            <category xmlns="">message</category>
            <componentId xmlns="">1</componentId>
            <id xmlns="">1</id>
            <isPrimary xmlns="">true</isPrimary>
            <name xmlns="">messageId</name>
            <type xmlns="">STRING</type>
            <isFilterable xmlns="">true</isFilterable>
            <isSortable xmlns="">true</isSortable>
         <AttributeDefinition xmlns="">
            <category xmlns="">environment</category>
            <componentId xmlns="">1</componentId>
            <id xmlns="">2</id>
            <isPrimary xmlns="">false</isPrimary>
            <name xmlns="">environmentName</name>
            <type xmlns="">STRING</type>
            <isFilterable xmlns="">falsee</isFilterable>
            <isSortable xmlns=""false</isSortable>