Introduction to TIBCO Business Studio

TIBCO Business Studio can be installed using two separate installations (Studio for Analysts and Studio for Designers), each of which is appropriate to a different type of user.

See the TIBCO Business Studio Installation Guide and the TIBCO Business Studio for Analysts Installation Guide for more information.

Studio for Analysts

Studio for Analysts enables the business analyst to model the business processes and access all the artifacts from a single file. This installation is suited to users doing high level or abstract modeling. The ribbon-based toolbar provides a familiar, easy to use interface that supports this type of modeling.

To launch TIBCO Business Studio For Analysts, go to Start > Programs > TIBCO > environment_name > TIBCO Business Studio 3.7 Analyst Edition > Studio for Analysts. For more information on working with Studio for Analysts, see the TIBCO Business Studio for Analysts User Guide.

Studio for Designers

Studio for Designers provides a project based view and enables the solution designer to add details to and manage the processes at a project level. This installation is suited to users who are more comfortable with developer tools, and who need access to all files related to the project.

To launch TIBCO Business Studio as a solution designer, go to Start > Programs > TIBCO > environment_name > TIBCO Business Studio 3.8 BPM Edition > Studio for Designers.