Find Documents Linked to Case Object

The Document Operation, Find Documents Linked to Case Object, returns references to documents that are linked to a specified case.


The following simple fields/parameters (complex not allowed) must be defined before configuring this operation:
  • Case Reference Field - Holds the case reference of the case from which you are locating linked documents.
  • Return Document Reference Field - When the operation is complete, this field will hold a document reference (or references) for the documents that are found.

    Note that if the Return Document Reference Field is a single instance, and multiple documents are returned from the find operation, only the first document found is assigned to the Return Document Reference Field. Whereas, if the Return Document Reference Field is multiple instance, all returned documents (single or multiple) are assigned to the array field.


  1. Add a Service Task to a process or pageflow.
  2. In the Properties view, General tab, select "Document Operations" in the Service Type field.
  3. In the Operation field, select "Find Documents Linked To Case Object".
    The appropriate fields for the selected operation are displayed under the Operation field.
  4. Specify all of the input fields as described in the Prerequisites above.
    Content assist is available on all of the input fields; place the cursor in the field, then press Ctrl+Space to display a list of the available input fields.
  5. Specify how the user will be able to search for documents in the case using the following two options:
    • Find By File Name (Field) - Select this option if you want the user to be able to find documents based on a given document name.
    • Find By CMISQL Query - Select this option if you want to specify the specific CMIS properties on which the user can search for documents in the case. Use the table below this option to construct the query that the user can use in the application. For example, the following specification provides the user the ability to search based on the document name:

      Note that the values specified are data fields / parameters that contain the value required by the query.

      Not all content management systems support all of the query options detailed in the CMIS specification, therefore, check with your vendor's documentation.