
This method re-offers the specified work item.

To be re-offered, a work item must currently have a state of Allocated or Pended.

After being re-offered the work item appears in the Inbox of the user(s) to whom it was originally offered.

Note that if the work item’s state is Pended, and data had been added/changed on the form when it was open, that data is retained in the work item when it is re-offered.

This method has two signatures: one to re-offer a single work item, and one to re-offer multiple work items.




  • id - (integer) A work item ID, identifying the work item to re-offer.
  • version - (integer) Specifies the version number of the work item you want to re-offer. The version number indicates how many times the work item has changed state. The version number starts at 0 when the work item is created, and is incremented by one each time it changes state.
  • workItems - (Array<Objects>) These identify the work items to be opened. Each Object in the array must have the following properties, identifying an existing work item (see above for definitions):
    • workItemId (integer)
    • workItemVersion (integer)

