Canceling a Process Instance

You can cancel a process instance, which stops the process flow and deletes all work items that are associated with that process instance.

Work items that are associated with a cancelled process instance are removed from the work item lists of the user to whom the work items were offered/allocated the next time their work item lists are refreshed.

If a user has a work item open when its associated process instance is cancelled, a message is displayed when the user attempts to cancel, close, or submit the work item form informing the user that the process instance has been cancelled.


  1. From the process instance list, select one or more process instances, then click The icon is a red circle. In the middle is a white circle. In the white circle there are two red concentric arrows pointing in opposite directions..
    A dialog is displayed that asks you to confirm that you want to cancel the selected process instances.
  2. Click OK to confirm.
    When a process instance is cancelled, its status changes to pi_cancelling. The status of the process instance remains pi_cancelling until the gadget is explicitly refreshed or auto-refreshed.