Configuring Whether Case Data Tables Are Managed Automatically or Manually

Whenever a case data model is deployed or undeployed, case data tables for that model must be created, updated or deleted (as appropriate). You can configure ActiveMatrix BPM to either do this automatically (the default option), or to generate SQL scripts that a DBA must subsequently run manually.

Automatic management is suited to a development environment, whereas manual management by DBA may be more suitable for or required in a production environment.

Note: TIBCO recommend that you choose the appropriate setting before deploying the first case data model to the BPM system. Once any case data models have been deployed, you should only change this setting if advised to do so by TIBCO Support.


  1. Open the CONFIG_HOME\bpm\bpmApplicationName\configuration\ file.
  2. Set the autogenerateDB property to one of the following values:
    • true: ActiveMatrix BPM automatically creates, updates or deletes the required case data tables when a case data model is deployed or undeployed.
    • false: ActiveMatrix BPM generates SQL scripts to create, update or delete the required case data tables when a case data model is deployed or undeployed. A DBA must subsequently obtain and manually run these scripts.
      Note: The case data model cannot be accessed by BPM process applications until this has been done.
  3. Save the changes to the file.