Creating a New Form Manually from the Project Explorer

A form may be created manually from the Project Explorer within any Forms special folder.


  1. Go to the context menu of the Forms special folder, or any child folder under the Forms special folder in the Project Explorer and click New > Form. This will trigger the opening of the New Form dialog.
  2. Specify the Form type on the New Form dialog. The type of form that is selected here determines the components that are initially part of the form model. The form types are as follows:
    • Process task: This creates a form that is the same as one created from a User Task in a process definition. It will contain a root pane, a toolbar with Cancel, Close, and Submit buttons, and a messages pane for displaying error messages.
    • Pageflow task: This creates a form that is the same as one created from a User Task in a Pageflow Process. The only difference to a Process task form is that the toolbar contains only Cancel and Submit buttons. The Close operation is not supported in pageflows since there is no way to re-open a step in a pageflow once it has been closed.
    • Embeddable: This creates a form that is suitable for embedding within another form. This will only contain a single root pane. This is because the parent form would typically contain the toolbar and messages pane, so these components are not needed in an embeddable form. Refer to the TIBCO Forms User’s Guide for more information about Embeddable Forms.