Running a Custom Application

While you are creating, customizing, and configuring your custom WCC application, you will be testing it by running it from your local file system. This can be done simply by executing the launch fragment created by General Interface Builder.

This launch fragment is located as follows:



  • StudioHome is the directory in which TIBCO Business Studio was installed.
  • version is the version number of Workspace that was installed with TIBCO Business Studio.
  • WCCProjectName is the name of the General Interface Builder project that contains your custom application. If you are working with the Workspace application, this is "workspace".

For example, if you create a custom application called “Accounts”, an Accounts.html file is created in your workspace directory. Executing this file starts the custom application.

Note, however, before you can execute the launch fragment, you must modify the custom application’s config.xml file, to provide a URL to the TIBCO ActiveMatrix node/ Action Processor. This is done as follows:


  1. Open the custom application’s config.xml file, which is located as follows:



    • StudioHome is the directory in which TIBCO Business Studio was installed.
    • version is the version number of Workspace that was installed with TIBCO Business Studio.
    • WCCProjectName is the name of the General Interface Builder project that contains your custom application. If you are working with the Workspace application, this is "workspace".
  2. Locate the ActionProcessors record in the config.xml file.
  3. Set the baseUrl attribute to the URL of the Action Processor. The string in the baseUrl attribute must be in the form:


    • Host is the name or IP address of the machine hosting the BPM runtime.
    • Port is the port number used by the ActiveMatrix WebApp Implementation Type to communicate with web applications.

      For example:

<record jsxid="ActionProcessors" type="workspace">

Note - The weighting attribute is not used at this time.

  1. Save and close the config.xml file.
  2. You can now run your application by executing the launch fragment as described at the beginning of this topic.
    Note: For information about launching a deployed application, see the Introduction chapter in the TIBCO Workspace Configuration and Customization guide.