
The UserSettingsService contains functions to manage user settings.

The table below lists the functions available from the UserSettingsService.

All of the UserSettingsService functions require the userAdmin system action.

Function Description Returns
deleteUserSettings Deletes all user settings (name/value pairs) currently defined for a specific storageKey. DeleteUserSettingsResponseType
getUserSettings Lists the user settings (name/value pairs) currently defined for a specific storageKey and settingID. GetUserSettingsResponseType
listUserSettingIds Lists all user settingIDs currently defined for a specific storageKey. ListUserSettingIdsResponseType
saveUserSettings Saves one or more user settings (name/value pairs) for a specific storageKey and settingID.

User settings allow the application to store any name/value pairs on the server for later retrieval (using the getUserSettings function (see above)).
