Performance Metrics

By default, the performance metrics option is disabled in GWT preview. The Performance Metrics button displays the form load timings.

You can view the performance metrics by pressing ALT+F12. The performance table is displayed with the timings for the operations listed in this table:
Performance Metrics Table
Column Name Description
Overall Form Load Time The time taken to load the form completely. It starts from the time a form is requested from the server and finishes at the time the form is loaded completely. This includes the Form Open scripts if any.
Model Initialization Time The time taken to create and initialize the various form elements, such as parameters, panes, and controls. It does not include the time taken to load them with the initial data.
Resource Loading Time The total time taken for various form resources to load. The resources include various external resources configured on the form and the generated BOM JavaScript files. The external resources include JavaScript, CSS, image, and property bundles referenced from the Resources tab in the Properties view of the form.
Library Resource Loading Time The total time taken to load various library resources used by the form. The Resource Loading Time does not include this, but it is included in the Overall Form Load Time.
Form Rendering Time The total time taken to render the form after the form model and various external resources are loaded. This does not include the time taken for creating various form elements, but includes the time taken for attaching the widgets, initializing the bindings, and loading the initial data to the form.
Datastore Initialization Time The time taken for initializing the form elements from the initial data provided to the form.
Initial Deferred Rendering Time The time taken to render the panes (and the components inside the panes) that are marked for deferred rendering but are visible on loading the form. This is not included in the Overall Form Load Time.
Post-Open Library Resource Loading Time Tthe time taken for various library resources used by the visible deferred initialized panes to load during the form load but after the form open event. This is not included in the Overall Form Load Time and the Resource Loading Time.

You can use this information to analyze the load timings of various forms. This information is useful in UI automation and reporting.

In addition to the operations listed in the table, runtime also captures the time taken to destroy the form. All these timings are logged in the GWT log on destroying (that is, canceling, closing or submitting) the form.

It is displayed in the following format:

Perf Metrics: <form name and path>[<internal_form_id>], [instrument_id, <total_time>, <start_time>, <end_time>]*
The Instrument IDs are:
  • 1 - Overall Form Load Time
  • 2 - Resource Loading Time
  • 3 - Datastore Initialization Time
  • 4 - Model Initialization Time
  • 5 - Form Rendering Time
  • 6 - Initial Deferred Rendering Time
  • 7 - Library Resource Loading Time
  • 8 - Post-Open Library Resource Loading Time
  • 9 - Form Destroy Time

The start time and end time is relative to the start time of the form load. For example:

Perf Metrics: /preview/resource/GIGWTPull/forms.samples.jquery.demo/SliderSingle/SliderSingleDeferredRendered[_CRohIEhtEeSnK7AbDcHFrw_0], 1, 547, 0, 547, 4, 47, 325, 372, 2, 120, 337, 457, 5, 90, 457, 547, 3, 14, 528, 542, 6, 914, 548, 1462, 8, 820, 587, 1407, 9, 25, 375842, 375867