Configuring Locales

By default, Openspace automatically provides two built-in language packs (American English and British English). Openspace also provides a files that lists all 57 known locales that are available. When Openspace loads, it makes a call to the server to check whether any of the language packs for the 57 locales have been installed. If a language pack is installed, then Openspace loads the relevant data for the installed language pack. However, testing for a large number of potential locales can have an impact on the time taken to load Openspace. If you are finding that Openspace is taking a long time to load, TIBCO recommends that you amend the locale.limit property in the file to limit the number of locales that Openspace tests for.

The file assigns a locale property to each of the 57 locales. A snap shot of the file is shown below:
By default, Openspace checks for all 57 locales specified in the file. The locale.limit property allows you to limit how many locales Openspace checks for. If you have configured the locale.limit property, Openspace processes this file sequentially from the top, until it reaches the limit specified in the locale.limit property.
The format of the locale.limit property is locale.limit=value where value is either:
  • numeric. In this case, you must specify the integer that indicates the locale limit that you want Openspace to reach. For example, if you only want en_US and es_ES then the locale.limit property should be configured as locale.limit=4. Openspace still checks for en_GB, fr_FR and fr_CA but will stop at es_ES. If you want, you can reorder the file. For example, you could specify that locale.2=es_ES and then set the locale.limit property to locale.limit=2.
  • text. In this case, you can specify any text you like and then add that text as part of an extended URL. For example, you can specify the locale.limit property as locale.limit=restrict. You can then specify the limit as part of an extended URL in Openspace. For example, if you only wanted en_US, you could specify the URL as

The locale.limit property is commented out by default.

See Openspace Configuration Overview for the location of the and files.


TIBCO recommends that you take a backup of the file before amending it.


  1. Open the file in a text editor.
  2. Uncomment the locale.limit property.
  3. Specify the value, depending on your requirements.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Log out and log back into Openspace for the changes to take effect.