REST API - getCaseClassInfo

The table summarizes the REST API - getCaseClassInfo.

Request 1 - Using Application Details

GET <baseurl>/globaldata/admin/app/<appName>/<appMajorVersion>/getcaseclassinfo
Path Parameter
  • appName. The name of the application that generated the case model.
  • appMajorVersion. The major version number of the application.

You can get this information by running getCaseModelBasicInfo .

Query parameters
  • caseclass=string (optional): If you know the case class whose attributes you want to return, then you can specify one or more fully qualified names of the case. For example, caseclass=com.example.claimbom.Claim?caseclass=com.example.claimbom.Claimant.
  • includelabels=Boolean (optional): Specify "true" to include labels in the response (default = "false").
  • includeattributes=Boolean (optional): Specify "true" to include attribute details in the response (default = "true").
  • includeglobalobjectattributes=Boolean (optional): Specify "true" to include attributes of contained global objects, as well as the case object itself, in the response (default = "true"). This is ignored unless includeAttributes="true".
  • includeappdetails=Boolean (optional): Specify "true" to include details of each CaseClassInfo in the response (default = "false"). This is typically only used when retrieving class information for multiple applications.

Request 2 - Using Case Model Details

GET <baseurl>/globaldata/admin/casemodel/<CaseModelId>/getcaseclassinfo
Path Parameter CaseModelID. The unique identifier of the case model. This can be obtained by running getCaseModel or getCaseModelBasicInfo .
Query parameters
  • caseclass=string (optional): If you know the case class whose attributes you want to return, then you can specify one or more fully qualified names of the case. For example, caseclass=com.example.claimbom.Claim?caseclass=com.example.claimbom.Claimant.
  • includelabels=Boolean (optional): Specify "true" to include labels in the response (default = "false").
  • includeAttributes=Boolean (optional) - Specify "true" to include attribute details in the response (default = "true").
  • includeglobalobjectattributes=Boolean (optional): Specify "true" to include attributes of contained global objects, as well as the case object itself, in the response (default = "true"). This is ignored unless includeAttributes="true".
  • includeappdetails=Boolean (optional): Specify "true" to include details of each CaseClassInfo in the response (default = "false"). This is typically only used when retrieving class information for multiple applications.

Request 3 - For All Case Classes on the System

GET <baseurl>/globaldata/admin/getcaseclassinfo
Query parameters
  • includelabels=Boolean (optional): Specify "true" to include labels in the response (default = "false").
  • includeattributes=Boolean (optional) - Specify "true" to include attribute details in the response (default = "true").
  • includeglobalobjectattributes=Boolean (optional): Specify "true" to include attributes of contained global objects, as well as the case object itself, in the response (default = "true"). This is ignored unless includeAttributes="true".
  • includeappdetails=Boolean (optional): Specify "true" to include details of each CaseClassInfo in the response (default = "false"). This is typically only used when retrieving class information for multiple applications.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the contents of a GetCaseClassInfoResponse element.
XML Returns the contents of a GetCaseClassInfoResponse element (from the BusinessDataServicesAdminService schema)


GET <baseurl>/globaldata/admin/casemodel/1/getcaseclassinfo?caseclass=com.example.claimbom.Claim
                   "name": "com.example.claimbom.Claim",
                           "path": "claimID",
                           "type": "ATTR_INTEGER"
                           "path": "claimType",
                           "type": "ATTR_ENUM",
                           "path": "claimReceivedDate",
                           "type": "ATTR_DATETIME"