Deleting LDAP Containers

LDAP containers can be deleted using the Organization Browser.

If the container currently contains BPM resources, you must have the DE.deleteResourceAdmin system action, otherwise you will not be allowed to delete the container. If the container does contain BPM resources, you can move them to another container prior to deleting the container, otherwise they will be deleted with the container. If BPM resources are deleted with the container, those deleted resources are automatically removed from any groups or positions to which they were mapped.

Also note that you cannot delete the LDAP container in which you were created.


  1. In the Organization Browser, select LDAP Containers to display the list of containers, then select the container you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. On the Delete LDAP Container dialog, you must select the confirm ... check box to proceed with the deletion.
  4. Either:
    1. check the confirm ... check box, then click OK to delete the container, or
    2. click cancel to cancel the deletion.