
This request returns the number of process templates that exist. You can also limit the templates counted by passing a filter expression that the templates must satisfy.




  • requestId - (String) Uniquely identifies the request. For more information, see Submitting Server Requests.
  • txtFilter - (String) A filter expression to limit the number of process templates. Only the process templates that satisfy the expression are counted. For information about filter syntax, see the "Sorting and Filtering Process Lists" topic in the developer's guide for your BPM runtime environment (note that you only need to provide the condition part of the WHERE clause that is documented in the "Sorting and Filtering Process Lists" topic).

    For a list of the attributes that can be used in the filter expression, use the listProcessTemplateAttributes request.


Returns an <ap:QueryProcessTemplateCount> element that contains the process template count.

For example:

    <ap:QueryProcessTemplateCount Id="ApiSample.queryProcessTemplateCount">17