
Invokes the identified ad-hoc activity. This operation is applicable only to manual ad-hoc activities, not automatic ad-hoc activities (automatic ad-hoc activities are automatically invoked when they become enabled).

  • The request identifies the process instance to which the manual ad-hoc activity is associated, as well as the ad-hoc activity name.
  • The response returns a status of COMPLETED upon a successful start of the ad-hoc activity.
The ad-hoc activity must be enabled before it can be invoked. An ad-hoc activity is enabled when:
  • any initializer activity specified in the ad-hoc activity definition has completed, and
  • a pre-condition specified in the ad-hoc activity definition is true.

To determine if an ad-hoc activity is enabled, use listAdhocActivities, and view the enabled element in the response.

If an attempt is made to invoke an ad-hoc activity that is already active, the invocation is discarded, and an audit record is created for the request.

Required System Action
API Descriptions