
This request returns a set of organizational entities, nested as they exist in the organizational model.




  • requestId - (String) Uniquely identifies the request. For more information, see Submitting Server Requests.
  • modelGuid - (String) The GUID of the organization model version to be returned. Passing -1 causes the latest version to be returned.


An <ap:Node> element is returned for each entity in the organization model. These nodes are nested according to the hierarchy of the organization model (for instance, positions are subordinate to organization units). The <ap:Node> element contains the following elements:

  • <ap:Type> - The type of organizational entity: “ORGANIZATION”, “ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT”, “POSITION”, “GROUP”, or “LOCATION”.
  • <ap:Guid> - The GUID for the organizational entity.
  • <ap:Name> - The name of the organizational entity.
  • <ap:AllocationMethod> - Indicates how work items are allocated to user. This is either one of the following:
    • ANY - Random
    • NEXT - Round Robin
  • <ap:LocationGuid> - The GUID of the location to which the organizational entity is associated.
  • <ap:ResourceCount> - The number of resources currently mapped to the organizational entity.
  • <ap:IdealNumber> - The ideal number of resources that should be assigned to the position (only applicable to positions) as defined in TIBCO Business Studio.

For example:

  <ap:ListOrgModelOverview Id="ApiSample.listOrgModelOverview">
    <ap:OrgModelOverview ModelVersion="-1">