Throw and Catch Error Events

An error event attached to a task boundary can be set to catch any error, or errors thrown by the task to which it is attached.

For example:

  • when attached to a web service task, you can configure the catch error event to catch any WSDL fault associated with the web service operation that is invoked by the service task.
  • when attached to an email service task, you can configure the catch error event to catch emails when the email server is unavailable:

When attached to a call sub-process activity or an embedded sub-process task, the event can catch errors thrown by any of the following:

  • Activities within the sub-process.
  • End error events
  • Process interface error events (if the call sub-process activity references a process interface rather than a process)
  • Any other error throwing activity executed within the sub-process (including its sub-process tasks). This includes activities whose errors cannot be caught directly by attaching the error event (for example, throw message intermediate event and end event that invokes a one way message).