ec_event view

The ec_event view holds information about events that have been registered with Event Collector.

Note: ec_event was table is previous releases; it is now a view. See the documentation supplied with the database you are using for more information.
Column Description
event_pk Primary key of the event.
environment_id The reference to the ec_environment table.
event_timestamp Timestamp that the event occurred.
message_id Identifier of the event. For example:


See ec_message table.


(not currently used)

Identifier of future generic attributes. If there are no generic attributes, the value is NULL.
correlation_id The correlationID of the event. The correlationID is used with the contextID and parentContextID to determine the series of events that have occurred.

The correlationID will be set when a service request is received from an external source. It remains the same for the duration of that request (including any child service calls made).

context_id The contextID is used with the correlationID and parentContextID to determine the series of events that have occurred.

The contextID is set to a new value for each new service call made in a chain of events - thus identifying the contents of a specific service call.

parent_context_id The parentContextID is used with the correlationID and contextID to determine the series of events that have occurred.

The parentContextID is set to a new value each time an internal (to a component) service call is made, and is set to the contextID of the calling service, thus identifying the parent of this service call.

managed_obj_id Valid values for this attribute depend on the value of the messageCategory attribute - see the "Message Categories and Attribute Contents" section of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide.
principal_id Unique identifier of the security principal associated with the event.
principal_name Name of the security principal associated with the event.
managed_obj_name Valid values for this attribute depend on the value of the messageCategory attribute - see the "Message Categories and Attribute Contents" section of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide.
managed_obj_version Valid values for this attribute depend on the value of the messageCategory attribute - see the "Message Categories and Attribute Contents" section of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide.
managed_obj_type Valid values for this attribute depend on the value of the messageCategory attribute - see the "Message Categories and Attribute Contents" section of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide.
managed_obj_status Status of the managed object.
managed_obj_url Valid values for this attribute depend on the value of the messageCategory attribute. See "Message Categories and Attribute Contents" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide.
managed_obj_details Valid values for this attribute depend on the value of the messageCategory attribute. See "Message Categories and Attribute Contents" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide.
parent_obj_id Valid values for this attribute depend on the value of the messageCategory attribute - see the "Message Categories and Attribute Contents" section of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide.
app_name For BX (Process Services) events, this is the name of the application that generated the event. For BRM (Business Resource Management Services) events, this is the name of the process that generated the event.
wi_schedule_start Scheduled start date of the work item associated with the event.
wi_schedule_end Scheduled end date of the work item associated with the event.
wi_org_ent_list The offer set for the work item. This is the GUID, entity type, and model version, separated by the tab character. Multiple entities are separated by the newline character.
wi_priority The priority of the work item.
ext_message Extended message for the message. This will generally contain more information for example, the failure reason for a failed activity.
retry_time The time when the failed activity will be retried again.


Identifier of the resource associated with the event.


Name of the resource associated with the event.


Identifier of the organization model entity associated with the event.


Type of the organization model entity associated with the event. This must be one of the following values:


Unique identifier of the presentation channel associated with the event.
app_act_name Name of the process activity associated with the event. For example, StartEvent, ScriptTask, DBTask, gateway, Success, Failure.
app_act_model_id The design time identifier of the process activity: the unique identifier of the process activity associated with the event from the model.
app_act_instance_id The runtime identifier of the process activity: the unique identifier of the process activity associated with the event from the activity instance.


Identifier of the component that requested a system action check. (Typically this is "BRM".)


Unique identifier of the requested system action.
parent_proc_ins_id Identifier of the parent process associated with the event.
parent_act_ins_id Identifier of the parent activity associated with the event.
sub_proc_ins_id Identifier of the sub-process associated with the event.
sub_proc_name Name of the sub-process associated with the event.
process_priority Priority of the process instance associated with the event.
module_name Process package name of the deployed process associated with the event. (This is not set for BRM (Business Resource Management Services) events.)
prior_step_id Identifier of the previous activity (to the one associated with the event).
sub_proc_ver Version of the sub-process associated with the event.
case_reference Identifier of array in ec_array table that holds the case references.
case_search_tag Unique identifier of case data.
model_major_version Major version number of a case data model.
model_version Version number of a case model.
role_name The role name given to a link between two case data classes.
attribute1 The integer value of custom work attribute 1 for the event.
attribute2 - attribute4 The text values of custom work attributes 2 to 4, respectively, for the event.
attribute5 The decimal value of custom work attribute 5 for the event.
attribute6 - attribute7 The date-time values of custom work attributes 6 and 7, respectively, for the event.
attribute8 - attribute14 The text value of custom work attributes 8 to 14, respectively, for the event.
attribute15 The integer value of custom work attribute 15 for the event.
attribute16 - attribute18 The decimal values of custom work attribute16 - attribute18, respectively, for the event.
attribute19 - attribute20 The date-time values of custom work attributes19 - attribute20, respectively, for the event.
attribute21 - attribute40 The text value of custom work attribute21- attribute40, respectively, for the event.