Using Log File Views

The Log Viewer enables you to view your log files more easily. For example, you can view extra information about each log entry, search them or change the columns that are displayed. There are also some pre-defined views that highlight and filter data for specific components of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM, or you can create your own.

There are 7 pre-defined views available in Log Viewer.
View Description
Default - Default View Displays all messages in the loaded log files.
ShowEC - Show EC Messages Displays any messages from the event collection services in the loaded log files. The event collection services collect and correlate business process events.
ShowBRM - Show BRM Messages Displays any messages from the business resource management services in the loaded log files. The business resource management services are responsible for distributing and managing work.
ShowDE - Show DE Messages Displays any messages from the directory services in the loaded log files. The directory services maintain the runtime organization model and provide all authentication and authorization services.
ShowWP - Show WP Messages Displays any messages from the work presentation services in the loaded log files. The work presentation services are used to get work presentation details for and perform actions on work items.
ShowBX - Show BX Messages Displays any messages from the business services in the loaded log files. The business services are used to get information about and interact with deployed business services.
ShowErrors - Show Errors Displays all error messages in the loaded log files.

Select a view from the View drop-down list. You can change views at any time by selecting another view from the View drop-down list or clicking Display > Switch view.

If you have:

  • configured any filters
  • highlighted any log entries
  • created any custom attributes
  • configured the columns you want to display
you can click Save view to save your current settings as a view. Enter the name of your view in the Save view dialog and click OK. The newly created view is now available for you to use in the View drop-down list.