Fixed Length Integer (BigInteger) Methods

The following methods using the BigInteger numeric format are supported in TIBCO BPM.

Type Method Notes
BigInteger abs() Returns a BigInteger whose value is the absolute value of this BigInteger.
BigInteger add(BigInteger val) Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this plus val).
int compareTo(BigInteger val) Compares this BigInteger with the specified BigInteger.
int compareTo(Object o) Compares this BigInteger with the specified Object.
BigInteger divide(BigInteger val) Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this divided by val).
boolean equals(Object x) Compares this BigInteger with the specified Object for equality.
BigInteger gcd(BigInteger val) Returns a BigInteger whose value is the greatest common divisor of abs(this) and abs(val).
BigInteger max(BigInteger val) Returns the maximum of this BigInteger and val.
BigInteger min(BigInteger val) Returns the minimum of this BigInteger and val.
BigInteger mod(BIgInteger m) Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this mod m).
BigInteger multiply(BigInteger val) Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this times val).
BigInteger negate() Returns a BigInteger whose value is (minus this).
BigInteger pow(int exponent) Returns a BigInteger whose value is (thisexponent).
BigInteger remainder(BigInteger val) Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this % val).
BigInteger subtract(BigInteger val) Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this minus val).