Activity Markers

You can select BPMN Activity Markers on the Properties of the activity. The currently selected Activity Marker is indicated by a symbol on the activity.

  • Multiple Instance Loop with Parallel Ordering

    Indicates a task or sub-process activity that is replicated a fixed number of times based on the evaluation of an expression. The ordering is parallel.
  • Multiple Instance Loop with Sequential Ordering

    Indicates a task or sub-process activity that is replicated a fixed number of times based on the evaluation of an expression. The ordering is sequential.
  • Standard Loop

    Indicates a task or sub-process activity that may have more than one instance, depending on the conditions of the loop. A standard loop consists of a Boolean expression that is evaluated before or after each cycle of the loop. If the expression evaluates to True, the loop continues.

    The conditions of the loop are set on the Loops tab (for more information, see Loops).

  • Ad-hoc

    Indicates an embedded sub-process that contains activities that have no pre-defined sequence. This also means that the number of times the activities are repeated is completely determined by the performers of the activities and cannot be defined beforehand.