Constraints on Model Validations

Panes with the Static Rendering property set to true have a few constraints on model validation.

The constraints are as follows:

  • Static panes are only supported for the GWT desktop runtime.
  • Static panes are only supported for grid, vertical, and horizontal panes. Any pane marked as static can contain only these types of panes.
  • Controls and panes within static panes cannot be referenced using JavaScript. These controls and panes do not show up in content assist, and any references to these components in JavaScript or computation actions display an error-level problem marker.
  • Panes and controls, except button controls, contained within a static pane do not raise events, and thus cannot be used to trigger rules. Events for components within a static pane do not show up as choices for rules.
  • Controls and panes within static panes do not support computation actions.
  • Controls and panes within static panes do not support validations.
  • Controls and panes within static panes do not support bindings to properties. However, binding to the following features are supported:
    • Values
    • Choice values
    • Labels of optionlist
    • Radiogroup
    • Hyperlink
    • Linktext
    • Image URL
  • Panes contained within static panes are also considered static panes.
  • Tab order is ignored on controls within static panes.
  • Values on controls and panes in static panes support absolute bindings and absolute ancestor pane value bindings to data fields and parameters. Bindings to other controls in the form are flagged with an error-level problem marker.
  • Static panes cannot contain tabbed, grid, record, or message panes.
  • Static panes cannot contain embedded forms.
  • The Static Rendering property setting is ignored by the Mobile runtime. A warning-level problem marker is shown if a pane has the Static Rendering property set to true and any of the presentation channels uses Mobile rendering.
    Note: Top-level static panes can be referenced in form action scripts, computation action destinations, and bindings. But, nested panes and nested controls cannot be referenced.