ec_case_status table

The ec_case_status table holds information about case objects.

Column Description
case_id Unique identifier of the case class that is specified at designtime.
case_class A case class is a template for a case object.
version The version number of the case object.
case_state A case state is a special type of attribute, available only on case classes, that can be used to uniquely identify a set of business-specific states that a case can be in.
last_modified Timestamp when the case object was last modified.
case_data The case object. The case data matches the structure of the case data defined in your business object model.
created_time Date/time when the case object was created.
deleted_time Date/time when the case object was deleted or null if the case object is not yet deleted.
case_duration Total duration (in milliseconds) for the case object or null if the case object is not yet deleted.
user_id Identifier of the organization model entity associated with the case object.
user_guid GUID of the resource associated with this case object.
case_ref Unique reference (or pointer) to a case object, created by ActiveMatrix BPM when the case object is created.
model_ver The version number of the case model.
model_maj_ver The major version number of the case model.