Combining “All Of” and “Any Of”

Most filter expressions will include a single “All Of” or “Any Of” filter grouping. However, you can also combine them in a single expression to create more complex expressions. When combining “All Of” and “Any Of” you are essentially combining logical ANDs and ORs in a single expression.

When combining filter groupings, it is helpful to view the filter syntax as you build the filter expression, as parentheses are placed in the appropriate location in the syntax as you add groups. To view the filter syntax, select Show Expression from the Tools menu in the Filter section.

A filter grouping that is added subordinate to another filter grouping is enclosed in parentheses when the system builds the filter syntax; this means that the subordinate grouping is evaluated separately, then its result is used to evaluate the parent grouping. See the following examples.

To view events that have been scheduled by tibco-admin, and have a priority of 1 or 2, build the following filter expression: