HTTP Connectors

HTTP Connector resource templates (by default there is one named httpConnector) control the number of threads that are available to process client requests. The default is 20.

For guidance on this value in the template, see the information about the Acceptor Threads property in the section about HTTP Connector in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM SOA Administration guide.

There is only a single resource instance for the BPM node, so with a large number of users connected and performing work the default value may be inadequate. The number of threads in this resource template need not be the same as the number of clients performing work. Testing the system and monitoring client call times will give a good indication of whether this needs to be changed.

Again, as for all thread configuration options, be aware that more threads will require more JVM memory and will impact other threads through increased CPU requirements.

If you have large numbers of users processing work items, the number of worker threads that are required to process client requests will also be high, and can exceed the number of database connections available. This results in failures to perform the required call. Since the thread will wait for some time when no available connections are found, clients attempting to connect will also experience timeouts.

If you encounter this issue, you can create a new thread pool and configure the HTTP Connector resource template to use it. Configure the thread pool to have a maximum number of threads that is less than the Maximum Connections value defined on the associated JDBC DataSource resource templates. User request threads will not then be waiting for database connections, since only the limited number of threads will be created.

To do this:


  1. Open ActiveMatrix Administrator.
  2. Select Shared Objects > Resource Templates.
  3. Select the appropriate HTTP Connector resource template and click the Advanced Configuration tab.
  4. Click the new link by the Worker Thread Pool field. The Add Resource Template dialog displays. Note that the Type is set to Thread Pool.
  5. Enter a Name and optionally a Description.
  6. Set the Max Pool Size to your required value.
  7. Click Save.