Business Resource Management Services

Business Resource Management services are provided by the Work Manager logical node (by the Business Resource Management (BRM) component).


The Business Resource Management Services API provides the following public services.   

Service Description
WorkItemManagementService Perform actions on work items.
WorkItemSchedulerService Change the scheduling information for a work item.
WorkListService Get work item lists for organization model entities, and get/set sort/filter criteria for work item lists.
OrganisationalEntityConfigService Manage resource configuration attributes and get/set resource configuration attributes for individual resources.

API Files

The following table lists the API files that provide Business Resource Management services.

File Description
brm.wsdl Business Resource Management services API
brm.xsd Business Resource Management services schema (WorkItemManagementService, WorkListService and OrganisationalEntityConfigService services)
brmdto.xsd Business Resource Management services - data transfer object schema
brmworkmodel.xsd Business Resource Management services - work model schema
datamodel.xsd Common data model schema
organisation.xsd Directory services - organization schema
scriptdescriptor.xsd Business Resource Management services - script description schema
brmexception.xsd Business Resource Management services - exception schema
deexception.xsd Directory services - exception schema
comexception.xsd Common exception schema


Note: Hyperlinks are provided to the WSDL and XSD documentation for a particular service API or schema. Any xsd files that do not have hyperlinks are included (directly or indirectly) in hyperlinked xsd files. For example, the XSD documentation for brm.xsd also includes the documentation for brmdto.xsd.
Note: The Business Resource Management Services API also includes a number of private services which are intended only for internal use by


These services, which should not be used by an external application, are marked in the API with the following annotation:

**PRIVATE API - Reserved for internal use**

The private services WorkGroupManagementService and WorkModelBrowserService are visible in

Administrator. Do not generate and use WSDLs for these services.